Sunday: September 15th 2024




2nd collection: Catholic Agency for the Support of Evangelisation


MASS (OLHoC): 6.00pm (Sat. 14th) (Pro Populo)


MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am (Janine & Eugene Fela RIP)

   X Refreshments in the hall after Mass


MASS (OLHoC): 11.00am (Well-being of Rynes Rocks)

 (Children’s liturgy at this Mass) 

X Refreshments in the hall after Mass 


MONDAY, September 16th - St Cornelius & St Cyprian

MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am (Winifred E Brown RIP)


TUESDAY, September 17th - Feria


WEDNESDAY, September 18th – Feria

MASS (OLHoC):10.00am (Holy Souls) 

X Refreshments in the hall after Mass


THURSDAY, September 19th – Feria

MASS (OLHoC):9.00am (Canon Michael Cooley RIP)


Parish Open Office with Fr Alex

4.00pm-7.00pm at the Presbytery (OLHoC)


FRIDAY, September 20th 

St Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, Paul Chŏng Ha-sang & Companions

MASS (OLHoC):9.00am


SATURDAY, September 21st


MASS (OLHoC):10.00am 

(Sandra Ward RIP  Julia Kinchin RIP  & Fr Reter Rolph RIP)


Confessions & Exposition (OLHoC):11.00am-12 noon) 



Next Sunday: September 22nd 2024




MASS (OLHoC): 6.00pm (Sat. 21st) (Holy Souls)


MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am (Fr Kevin, Charles & Catherine Fitzgerald RIP)

X Refreshments in the hall after Mass


MASS (OLHoC): 11.00am  (Pro Populo)

X Refreshments in the hall after Mass

X ENROLMENT FOR SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME FOR 2024/2025. All our Parish sacramental programmes start in October. Therefore, the enrolment for next year will start from 7th July 2024 through to 30th September 2024. 

Anyone, within the following categories, who is thinking about First Reconciliation; First Holy Communion; Confirmation for young people; Reception into the Church as unbaptised; Baptised non-Catholic; and an adult Catholic who has not been confirmed is now called to fill in the appropriate form available at the back of the church and return it to the Presbytery for their enrolment. 

From the 1st October 2024, all the sacramental Programmes will start – so please spread the word to those you know are in the categories listed above. 

X REMINDER AND LAST CALLS – re the above. The deadline for enrolment for First Holy Communion, First Reconciliation, Confirmation and Order of Christian Initiation for Adults is 30th SEPTEMBER 2024. Please anyone wishing to celebrate the Sacraments in 2025 is urged to return their forms as soon as possible. 

X INFANT BAPTISM may only happen after undergoing a preparation with the parish priest. Baptisms can then be celebrated at either 3pm on a Saturday or 1pm on a Sunday on the 1st or 3rd Sunday of the month. 

X RECEPTION OF COMMUNION – only Catholics in a state of grace are allowed to receive Communion at Mass. Those who receive this in their hands should put it into their mouth before leaving the Minister.  Anyone not receiving should go to the priest, cross their arms over their chest to receive a blessing 

X ST MARY’S CONVENT REUNION - all old pupils, teachers, and nuns of the school are welcome to attend on Sunday afternoon 6th October in the Hall at OLHoC. See Patsy Allen.


Another successful year! 18 children attended the summer holiday club this year. The activities were: scrapbook making, flower arranging, making tote bags and cooking pizza and raspberry cheesecake. 

Every afternoon the children played team games either outdoors or indoors.  We would like to thank our parishioners for their generous financial support during the second collections.  We would also like to thank all the volunteers who have made a difference to the experiences of these children this year. 

X  HELP NEEDED TO KEEP OUR PARISH GARDENS TIDY - We would love to hear from any keen gardeners in our Parish who may be able to spare a little time, to help keep our Parish Gardens tidy, especially in the summer months. The gardens around St Joseph’s Presbytery and Hall are currently being kindly maintained every other Thursday by Tony Gilbert who would appreciate a helping hand, just for a couple of hours or so. We also need some help with keeping the garden behind Our Lady’s Presbytery tidy. Could anyone interested in helping kindly call either Andre on 07980 579339 or John on 07860 457492. Thank you! 

X VACANCY FOR PARISH SECRETARY AND ADMINISTRATOR (8 HOURS PER WEEK) – we are looking to recruit an experienced, organised and efficient office administrator to assist with supporting Fr Alex, through the smooth running of our Parish office. Since the end of 2022, Dylan and Sara have kindly volunteered their time to cover many of the tasks involved but we now want to make the transition to have a Secretary in place once again. 

Duties will include receiving callers to the Presbytery, answering emails and incoming telephone calls, coordinating with the various Parish committees and groups and external contractors and suppliers. Excellent written and verbal communication, organisation and computer skills will also be required, to ensure timely and accurate recording of Parish documentation and financial data into the Archdiocesan finance system. The rate of pay would be £11.44 per hour for 4 hours on a Monday, Tuesday, and Friday each week. 

Would anyone interested in discussing this role further kindly contact Fr Alex by telephone or email at the Presbytery. 

X PARISH BAZAAR – This will take place on Saturday 9th November 2024. Preparation and planning starts now – please leave any donations of items at the back of the church for the following stalls Crafts, Bric-a-Brack, toys, gifts, books, Christmas items, preserves, bottle store. Please put the date in your diary. 

X DRAW TICKETS – please continue to sell any draw tickets that you have, and return the money and ticket stubs to the Presbytery. If you are unlikely to sell any books that you have, please return them as soon as possible so that they can be given out again. Your help is appreciated. If you would like raffle tickets please come to the Presbytery on a Tuesday between 10am-1pm. 

X KENT CHURCHES RIDE AND STRIDE - There is a parish sponsorship form at the back of the church at OLHoC for you to sponsor our Stewards at Our Lady’s Church, who gave up their time yesterday & welcomed riders and striders and invited people into the church to pray and see what an amazing place of worship we have.  Please give your sponsorship money to Sara Adams. Further details about this year are available at 

X WE PRAY FOR THE SICK - We remember all those who are sick or housebound and that they remain in our prayers including Amanda De Pulford, Ann Robinson, Uzo Mbanugo, Bob & Tess Vickery, Canon Luke Smith, Beulah Blomfield, John Lodge, Veronica Poulton, Robert Jones, Margaret Woolley, Angelo Strinati, and all those who have asked for our prayers.  

X  WE PRAY FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED - Please pray for the repose of the souls of all those who have died recently or whose anniversaries fall at this time including: Ron Hall, Alfred Langley, Jean Borucki, Jeannette Phillips (15 Sept); Josie Kernan, Edmund Boughton (16 Sept); Violet Persse (17 Sept); Oliver Quinn (19 Sept) Linda Murphy, William Robinson, Peter McMulkin (20th Sept); Carmel Heffernan, Ann  Woods (21st Sept); Kathleen Leakey, Margaret Smith (22nd Sept); Jeannette Allen, Denis Walsh (23rd Sept); Marga Wildman, Pauline Davies, Kathleen Hill, Frances White (24th Sept)


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