Sunday: December 22nd 2024




MASS (OLHoC): 6.00pm (Sat. 21st) (Pro Populo)


MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am

(Deceased members of the Kleinman and Devine families)

X Refreshments in the hall after Mass


MASS (OLHoC): 11.00am – (Anna Fitzgerald-Clark RIP)

X Refreshments in the hall after Mass




MONDAY, December 23th Feria

MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am (Michel Shields RIP)


TUESDAY, December 24th

 CHRISTMAS VIGIL MASS (OLHoC): 6pm for 6.30pm

With Parents and Children (Private intention)


10:00pm Carols

10.30pm Midnight Mass (Private intention)

WEDNESDAY, December 25th




(Pro Populo)



THURSDAY, December 26th



MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am (Fr. John Lawrence RIP)


No Parish Open Office this week


FRIDAY, December 27thST JOHN


MASS (OLHoC):9.00am

(Rafferty and Lando Powell RIP)


SATURDAY, December 28th


MASS (OLHoC):10.00am (Eric Coling RIP)


Confessions & Exposition (OLHoC):11.00am-12 noon)






Next Sunday: December 29th 2024





MASS (OLHoC): 6.00pm (Sat. 28th) (Dorothy Wrigley RIP)


MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am  (Pro Populo)

X There are no refreshments in the Hall after this Mass


MASS (OLHoC): 11.00am(Dr Nicholas Rozario RIP)

X There are no refreshments in the Hall after this Mass




X A BIG CHRISTMAS THANK YOU FROM FR. GARRY Season’s Greetings from Liberia – today, there is a small respite from the intense heat. But having mentioned this, I am truly sorry for the storms and cold weather that you’ve been experiencing recently.


With the arrival of a team of visiting Spanish specialists, at St Joseph's Catholic Hospital, an ultra-scan revealed that I required Laser prostate surgery. The work was carried out on November 27 and I was kept in, for several days. While I was in hospital, during the night hours James Nyanku and Musa, my ‘carer’ looked after me very well. Thank God, I am feeling much better and having several weeks rest, here on the Mission, in Bomi.


 By the way, we have been helping James for the past 18 years, since he arrived on the Mission, as a 13-year-old, from a small town far away within the Belle Forest. I am very happy to say that James will graduate as a medical doctor, in July 2025. 


Towards, Christmas, Musa and Mambu will drive me to several of our Church Communities close to our town. But long distances to Robertsport and such like, are now the prerogative of the younger generation!  


 Some other students, whom we have also been helping, are nearing the completion of their tertiary studies.  In fact, Nicholas, Samuel and Sumo, graduated in July with BScs in Civil Engineering from Stella Maris Catholic University, in Monrovia: and I am glad to say that they are now working here, on the Bomi Mine, along with John Geeton, who graduated in Environmental Science. 

This month, the local Bomi Community College completes another semester. Frederick Jah will graduate with an Associate degree in Agriculture; he has already been assured of employment, at my friend’s model farm. However, most of our students at the Bomi College opt to follow the associate degree course in Education. I am so glad that some of them are doing internships: Jacob Mulbah is helping at Oscar Romero School for the Deaf, while Sando Nyuma and Emmanuel Boakai are teaching at St Dominic’s School.


Recently, Anna Bsaibes visited us from Monrovia. She and her husband Chawki, helped by their sons, manage the Mamba Point Hotel.  Anna is also the ambassador to Liberia, for the Sovereign Order of Malta. Together with St Francis Leprosy Guild, the Order is helping with the patients, who have contracted Hanson’s Disease, at the village of Massatine. Over the years, we have supported the community with a small clinic. Moreover, we have constructed a church in honour of St Damien of Molokai’s and a school with 260 pupils. On Anna’s visit to Bomi, she brought 50 x 25 kilos of rice and some children’s food for the Christmas Party, on December 29. Fr Bruno will travel there with Musa.

Before returning to Monrovia, Anna crossed the road and visited the Oscar Romero School for the Deaf. Our O.L.A. Sisters have recently assumed the management of the school. This is of course a very important apostolate.  On the eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the children, together with the Sisters and Carers, joined the annual Archdiocesan Pilgrimage, at the Shrine of Our Lady Queen of Peace, by all accounts, it was a wonderful day for everyone, (I obeyed 'doctors' orders, and remained here). 


So, in our modest way, assisting the children at Oscar Romero, the patients at Massatine, and the seventy physically challenged in Bomi and the villages, our local Church is trying to respond to Jesus’ Mission Statement, of Luke 4:18-19. 


 I wish you a blessed Christmas.                                                                      Kindest regards, Fr. Garry.


X A BIG CHRISTMAS THANK YOU – I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has got involved in our parish over the past year.


From the cleaners in the church, the coffee volunteers in the hall, the organists and singers, the ministry of readers, the altar servers, catechists, leaders of children liturgy, those who organised the rotas, members of the Parish representative group (PRG), the helpers with the meals and bazaars, the flower ladies, the counters, the assistance in the parish office, the helpers with the holiday club and the members of the various Parish Committees and more.


Many of you have donated your time, effort and money, helping to make our parish a special place to be together as one.


X INFANT BAPTISM may only happen after undergoing a preparation with the parish priest. Baptisms can then be celebrated at either 3pm on a Saturday or 1pm on a Sunday on the 1st or 3rd Sunday of the month. Please note from January 2025 the preparation for infant Baptism will take place every second Sunday of the month after 11 am Mass.


X AN APPEAL FOR AN ACT OF KINDNESS AND FAVOUR - Please, as you leave the Church at the end of Mass, return the books and papers that you were given when you first arrived, to the back of the Church where they normally stay for the next Mass.


X WE PRAY FOR THE SICK - We remember all those who are sick or housebound and that they remain in our prayers including, Liz Willis, Robert Claridge, Cecilia Niven, Stacy Rodrigues, Ann Robinson, Uzo Mbanugo, Bob & Tess Vickery, Canon Luke Smith, Beulah Blomfield, John Lodge, Veronica Poulton, Margaret Woolley, and all those who have asked for our prayers. 



X WE PRAY FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED - Please pray for the repose of the soul of Bishop John Hine, Lillian Orfila, Robert Jones, Christine Mary Kissane, James Kissane, Ron Hall, Suchada Robinson (who was known as Jo or Jojo), Fr Wenna Henry Tiku and all those who have died recently, and those whose anniversaries fall at this time including: Joan Webb, Eileen Root (22nd Dec.); Mary Pentland, Yvonne D’Agostini (23rd Dec.); Florence Clutton, Kathleen Day,  Michael Halloran, (24th Dec.), Dragica Gillett (25th Dec.); Norman Perkins, Laura Cooke (26th Dec.); Anne Morgan, Mary Chopin (27th Dec.); Dennis Parry (28th Dec.); Paulette Miller, Dr Nicholas Rozario, Kristina Laskowski (29th Dec).



“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.” Luke 4:18


The Year of Jubilee, 'Pilgrims of Hope' - This special year of forgiveness and reconciliation, invites us to return to a right relationship with God, one another, and all of creation. CAFOD have many resources and opportunities to get involved on their Jubilee webpage  In particular they draw your attention to: Introducing Jubilee online session – 18th January 2025: 10:30am-12 noon.

Join them for An introduction to the Jubilee Year with special guests Fr Jan Nowotnik, Director of Mission for the Catholic Bishop’s Conference, Christine Allen, CAFOD Director, and Kayode Akintola, CAFOD’s Head of Africa Programmes. Hear how they are celebrating Jubilee as a global Church and how we can be tangible signs of hope, building a better world together throughout this holy year.


X CHRISTMAS OFFERING: Please remember that Christmas Day is on Wednesday 24-25th December, so the collection next week is your offering to Fr Alex, your Parish priest.


X PARISH SHOP – open after Mass every day for your 2025 Catholic diaries, Southwark Directory, and last minute Christmas cards and gifts.



We fly to Thy protection, O Holy Mother of God.

Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers,

O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.



Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.







Presbytery and Parish Office:

41 Guildhall Street, Folkestone, Kent CT20 1EF


Tel: 01303 252823




Parish Priest: Fr Alex Saba MA, MSLR, MCL, JC


Hall Bookings:


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