Sunday: June 9th 2024


MASS (OLHoC): 6.00pm (Sat. 8th June) (John Wrigley RIP)


MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am (Pro Populo

X Refreshments in the hall after Mass


MASS (OLHoC): 11.00am (Anna Fitzgerald-Clark RIP)

X Refreshments in the hall after Mass 


MONDAY, June 10th – Feria

MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am (Barbara Hall RIP)



TUESDAY, June 11th – St Barnabas



WEDNESDAY, June 12th – Feria

MASS (OLHoC):10.00am (Patrick Lawrence RIP)

 X Refreshments in the hall after Mass


THURSDAY, June 13th - St Anthony of Padua

MASS (OLHoC):9.00am (Alice Reynolds-Peyton RIP)


Parish Open Office with Fr Alex

4.00pm-7.00pm at the Presbytery (OLHoC)


FRIDAY, June 14th – Feria

MASS (OLHoC):9.00am (Sr Sophie RIP)


SATURDAY, June 15th - The Blessed Virgin Mary

MASS (OLHoC):10.00am (Elizabeth Woodford RIP)


X  First Reconciliation & 1HC (OLHoC): 9.00am 

Confessions & Exposition (OLHoC):11.00am-12 noon)


Next Sunday: June 16th




(Second collection for the Anscombe Bioethics Centre and other life related activities)


MASS (OLHoC): 6.00pm (Sat. 15th) (Josie Davis RIP)


MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am (Pro Populo)

X Refreshments in the hall after Mass


MASS (OLHoC): 11.00am (Mary, Stephen & Agnes, & Jeff RIP)

X Refreshments in the hall after Mass 

X THE PARISH UCM – Again, for those that missed it last week, I want to take this opportunity to thank our parish UCM for the many years of service given to the parish. Sadly, there are no young blood to continue their valuable work, therefore they are closing. 

On behalf of all the parishioners and all the Clergy of the parish who have benefitted from their ministry, I wish them all well and look forward to seeing them involved individually in the parish life in one shape or other. 

X FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CARDS/GIFTS a wide selection of First Holy Communion cards and gifts are now available from the Parish Gift Shop. 

X RECEPTION OF COMMUNION only Catholics in a state of grace are allowed to receive Communion at Mass. Those who receive this in their hands should put it into their mouth before leaving the Minister.  Anyone not receiving should go to the priest, cross their arms over their chest to receive a blessing. 

X INFANT BAPTISM may only happen after undergoing a preparation with the parish priest. Baptisms can then be celebrated at either 3pm on a Saturday or 1pm on a Sunday on the 1st or 3rd Sunday of the month. 

X A TRAINING SESSION FOR NEW READERS - will take place on Saturday 29th June at 1.00pm in OLHC hall.  If you are interested in attending please contact Ellen by email: 

X HELP IS STILL NEEDED IN OUR SHOP – do you have half an hour to spare to for the Parish Shop on a Sunday morning after the 9.00am Mass? Please contact Eileen who runs the shop, and is there after the 11am Sunday Mass and Masses during the week. 

X HELP ALSO STILL NEEDED…. with the Cleaning of the Church on a Tuesday morning. If you can help with this please contact the Parish Office, or call in at the Church on a Tuesday morning. 

X TALK ON CYBER FRAUD AWARENESS – this talk was given in the OLHoC Hall by Kent police and was very insightful. There is a list of some useful resources at the back of the church if you would like the information.

X COLLECTIONS – last weekend’s collection raised £714.74. The retiring collection for the Parish Children’s Summer Club raised £316.52. Thank you for your generosity. 


16th June – Day for Life

23rd June – Our Parish Summer Children’s Club

30th June – Peter’s Pence

14th July – Sea Sunday 



  • Sunday 30th June at 11.00am Confirmation Mass 
  • Sunday 7th July at 2.30pm – First Holy Communion Celebration with family and friends 
  • Sunday 14th July First Holy Communion Celebration with the Parish community 

X WE PRAY FOR THE SICK - We remember all those who are sick or housebound and that they remain in our prayers including Amanda De Pulford, Ann Robinson, Bernie Pay, Uzo Mbanugo; John McDermottroe, Bob & Tess Vickery, Canon Luke Smith, Beulah Blomfield, John Lodge, Veronica Poulton, Margaret Woolley, Angelo Strinati, and all those who have asked for our prayers.  

X  MAUREEN HOUGHTON RIP - please pray for the repose of the soul of Mrs Maureen Houghton. 

Her funeral is scheduled for 18th June 2024 at 11am at St. Paul’s Dover, Maison Dieu Road, Dover CT16 1RU. Fr Jamie has asked that donations in memory of Maureen go to Dementia UK at the following website 

May she rest in peace and rise in glory. 

X  WE PRAY FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED - Please pray for the repose of the souls of Leah Daley, Paul Crofts, Anne Houlahan, Malcolm Slade, Sheelagh (Mary) Crowther, Maureen Houghton and all those who have died recently or whose anniversaries fall at this time including: Mary McCormack, Albert Flower, Edita Taragosova, Marie-Germaine Janton, John McGarry, Andrew Kempson (8th June); James Prunty, Mary Lodge, Gaston Bartelous, Michael Goss (11th June); Marion Gambrill, Vincent Quinn, Luhana Rafaela, John Spicer (12th June)Marion Gambrill, Vincent Quinn, Luhana Rafaela, John Spicer (12th June); Bridget King, Giovanni Panetta (13th June); Margaret Breslin (14th June); Fred Tyler, Graham McLeod, Williamina Curtis, John Evans, Mary Cook, Leon Florencki (15th June). 

X A MEETING OF THE PARISH BEREAVEMENT GROUP will take place in the OLHC hall, on Saturday 13th July, at 1.00pm. 

X SOUTHWARK PILGRIMAGE - Archbishop John warmly invites you to join him as he leads the Southwark Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage, from 23rd to 30th August 2024. 

Details of this can be found on the Archdiocesan website: Experience the unique spirituality of Lourdes, along with people from parishes around the Archdiocese. 

X EUCHARASTIC EXHIBITION St Augustine’s Catholic Church in Tunbridge Wells are inviting everybody to see an exhibition they are showing now until 30th June. The church is open all day.  It is part of the acclaimed International Exhibition of Blessed Carlo Acutis, one of the more recent Canonised Saints of the Church. A young Italian man, who died in 2016 aged 25 and whose objective in life was to strengthen the Faith in the Real Presence. 

Eucharistic miracles are meant to help confirm our faith in the presence of the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist. They show that we must not look at external appearances (bread and wine) but at the substance, the true presence of Our Lord.  Please encourage others, family, friends, neighbours, the curious, regardless of faith, to “Come and See”. 

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