MASS (OLHoC): 6.00pm (Saturday) (Josie Ball RIP)


MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am (Well-being of Sr Veronica Hodgson)


MASS (OLHoC): 11.00am (Pro Populo)

X Tea/Coffee and Cake in the Parish Hall after Mass and the 100 Club Draw


MONDAY, July 26th – SS Joachim and Anne

MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am (Emmanuel Nwanko RIP)

X OLHoC open from 8.30am-4.00pm


TUESDAY, July 27th Feria

MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am (Noel Gannon RIP)

X OLHoC open from 8.30am-4.00pm


WEDNESDAY, July 28th Feria

MASS (OLHoC): 10.00am (Brian Rae RIP)


THURSDAY, July 29th – St Martha

MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am (Flood victims in Europe and China)

X OLHoC open from 8.30am-4.00pm


FRIDAY, July 30th – St Peter Chrysologus

MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am (Pascal Longelo Nzuzi RIP)

X OLHoC open from 8.30am-4.00pm


SATURDAY, July 31st – St Ignatius of Loyola



X Confessions 5.00pm to 5.45pm (OLHoC)


Next Sunday: August 1st


MASS (OLHoC): 6.00pm (Saturday)  (Annie Dillon RIP)


MASS (St Joseph’s): 9.00am (Pro Populo)

X Tea/Coffee and Cake in St Joseph’s Hall after Mass


MASS (OLHoC): 11.00am (Fr Cyril Walmsley RIP)

X Tea/Coffee and Cake in the Parish Hall after Mass

X COVID 19 UPDATED STEP 4 GUIDANCE – we have received updated guidance from the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales. Even though the Government has relaxed regulations on 19 July, there is a strong emphasis on common sense and risk averse activities in the Parish to continue to mitigate against the transmission of the virus which is still prevalent in society. We will also keep a close watch on local conditions and epidemiology and implement anything necessary to keep you safe. 

·         Our churches in the parish will continue to provide hand sanitiser at entrances and exits.

·         Face coverings are strongly recommended to be worn by those in church.

·         We will continue to ventilate our buildings and try to ensure a flow of air.

·         We will continue to regularly sanitise and clean the churches and halls using appropriate cleaning detergents with regular cleaning of high frequency touch points in buildings after each act of worship.

·         You are no longer required to social distance in church, however we will be introducing a system of laminated cards, which will be cleaned after each Mass, which can be used to create social distancing for parishioners or groups of parishioners, to indicate that they do not want anybody to sit next to them by placing the card on the pew next to where they are sitting. Please respect those who are using the cards and do not remove them.

·         Congregational singing is now allowed. Please recognise that face coverings should be worn by members of the congregation whilst singing together, until infection levels reduce.

·         We shall keep the one-way system of use in the churches during Mass when receiving Holy Communion. Outside of this period, you are free to move around the churches as you so wish.

·         We will continue to promote and use the NHS Test and Trace as long as it is operation. Please take personal responsibility when visiting the church for using the Trace and Trace QR CODE.

·         The Holy Water stoups will continue to remain empty at this time.

·         The offertory collection will be resumed in church with baskets and pouches, however, you can also give online or using the contactless giving located at the back of the church at OLHoC.

·         The physical Sign of Peace remains suspended as it is not an integral part of the Mass, and its omission will help to reduce physical contact between people during the celebration.

·         Holy Communion will continue to be under one kind and the ministers will continue to sanitise their hands beforehand and wear a face covering whilst distributing. Communion will continue to be distributed in the hand as previously to avoid unnecessary physical contact.

·         There are longer any restrictions on numbers of people attending Baptisms or Funerals in church.

·         Parish social activities can now be resumed but are subject to appropriate cleaning and risk assessments being in place. Please join us for Tea, coffee and cake after the 11.00am Mass today and the 9.00am Mass from next Sunday.

X SATURDAY 31ST JULY - there will be no morning Mass held on Saturday 31st July or 7th August. Confessions will be held before Saturday evening Mass from 5.00pm. 

X PLEASE PRAY FOR Agata Borza, who is sick in the William Harvey Hospital at this time. 

X PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS of the relatives and friends of our parishioners who have died recently, including Gabriel Mbangu and Emmanuel Nwanko and all those whose anniversaries fall at this time, including amongst them: John Doyle, Violet Constantine (25th July); Johanna Impey, Magdalena Gasser, Montague McArdle, John Dorgan (27th July); Diana Tiltman, Edward Vernol (28th July); Norah Robertston, Stanislav Horeszko, Henrietta Habdas, Daisy Keeler (29th July); Fr Cyril Walmsley, John Donovan, Michael Rooney, Ann McCallion, Foster Smith (30th July); Jane Van Wyk, Patrick Hartnett, David Anderson (31st July)

X DIOCESAN ANNUAL MARRIAGE MASS - Saturday, 9th October 2021 St George’s Cathedral, Southwark at noon. Please contact Carole on if you are celebrating your 1st, 10th, 25th, 40th, 50th or 60th wedding anniversary and would like to attend the annual marriage mass.  

X MASS ATTENDANCE: 271 people came to the Sunday Masses in the Parish last week. 

X OUR LADY & ST JOSEPH’S 100 CLUB SUMMER DRAW! – Get you application in before 11.00am on Sunday, 25th July, to be included in the special £100.00 prize draw to start the new 2021/22 100 Club.  The draw will be made in the Parish Hall at OLHoC after the 11.00am Mass along with the resumption of tea, coffee and cake. Please consider joining this excellent fundraising activity for our parish and application/renewal forms for the 2021/2022 year are at the back of each church. This year we are increasing the prize pot and membership will be £25.00 per number per year. New members are very welcome (and you can have as many numbers as you like!) Get your applications in today! 


We fly to Thy protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers,

O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.



Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.  Amen.


‘What a beautiful view out there!’

‘Yes, and I haven’t used all of it yet.’   Composer, Mahler to a friend




Presbytery and Parish Office:

41 Guildhall Street, Folkestone, Kent CT20 1EF

Tel: 01303 252823



Parish Secretary: Mr Dylan Jeffrey BA, PGCE, MSc



Parish Priest: Fr Alex Saba MA, MSLR, MCL, JCL


Priest: Fr Francis Capener MA

Deacon: Rev. Dr Gehad Homsey MB, BCh

01303-253601 / 07917 134250


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