X Confessions 5.00pm to 5.45pm (OLHoC)

MASS (OLHoC): 6.00pm (Saturday) (Annie Dillon RIP)


MASS (St Joseph’s): 9.00am (Pro Populo)

X Tea/Coffee and Cake in St Joseph’s Hall after Mass


MASS (OLHoC): 11.00am (Fr Cyril Walmsley RIP)

X Tea/Coffee and Cake in the Parish Hall after Mass


MONDAY, August 2nd – St Eusebius



TUESDAY, August 3rd Feria



WEDNESDAY, August 4th – St John Vianney, Patron of parish priests

MASS (OLHoC): 10.00am (Mary & Michael Dillon RIP)

 X Tea/Coffee and Cake in the Parish Hall after Mass

X UCM Meeting in the Parish Hall (OLHoC): 11.15am


THURSDAY, August 5th – Feria

MASS (St Joseph’s): 10.00am (Daniel Owen Thomas RIP)


FRIDAY, August 6th


MASS (St Joseph’s): 10.00am (Dr Chris Vickery RIP)


SATURDAY, August 7th – Votive of BVM



Next Sunday: August 8th


Second collection: Renovation Fund


MASS (OLHoC): 9.00am (Pro Populo)

X Tea/Coffee and Cake in Parish Hall after Mass


MASS (OLHoC): 11.00am (Wedding congratulations to Sally and Chris)

X Tea/Coffee and Cake in the Parish Hall after Mass


MONDAY, August 9th – St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross [Edith Stein]



TUESDAY, August 10th – St Lawrence



WEDNESDAY, August 11th – St Clare

MASS (OLHoC): 10.00am (Michael & Ellen Dillon RIP)

X Tea/Coffee and Cake in the Parish Hall after Mass


THURSDAY, August 12th – Feria

MASS (St Joseph’s): 10.00am (Frankie McClaughlin RIP)


FRIDAY, August 13th – Feria

MASS (St Joseph’s): 10.00am (Martin & Catherine Murray and their daughter Catherine Teresa Clark RIP)


SATURDAY, August 14th – Votive of BVM


X Confessions 5.00pm to 5.45pm (OLHoC)


Sunday: August 15th


 MASS (OLHoC): 6.00pm (Saturday)  (Pro Populo)


MASS (St Joseph’s): 9.00am (Dick Gaul RIP)

X Tea/Coffee and Cake in St Joseph’s Hall after Mass


MASS (OLHoC): 11.00am (Andrew Savvides RIP)

X Tea/Coffee and Cake in the Parish Hall after Mass


 X COVID 19 UPDATED GUIDANCE – Even though the Government has relaxed regulations, there is a strong emphasis on common sense and risk averse activities in the Parish to continue to mitigate against the transmission of the virus which is still prevalent in society. We will also keep a close watch on local conditions and epidemiology and implement anything necessary to keep you safe.

·         Our churches in the parish will continue to provide hand sanitiser at the entrance.

·         Face coverings are strongly recommended to be worn in church.

·         We will continue to regularly sanitise and clean the churches and halls using appropriate cleaning detergents every day after use.

·         We will continue to ventilate our buildings and try to ensure a flow of air.

·         You are no longer required to socially distance in church, however there is a system of laminated cards, which will be cleaned after each Mass, which can be used to create social distancing for parishioners or groups of parishioners, to indicate that they do not want anybody to sit next to them by placing the card on the pew next to where they are sitting.

·         Congregational singing is allowed. Please recognise that face coverings should be worn by members of the congregation whilst singing together, until infection levels reduce.

·         We shall keep the one-way system of use in the churches during Mass when receiving Holy Communion. Outside of this period, you are free to move around the churches as you so wish.

·         We will continue to promote and use the NHS Test and Trace as long as it is operation. Please take personal responsibility when visiting the church for using the Trace and Trace QR CODE.

·         The Holy Water stoups will continue to remain empty at this time.

·         The offertory collection has resumed in church, however, you can also give online or using the contactless giving located at the back of the church at OLHoC.

·         The physical Sign of Peace remains suspended as it is not an integral part of the Mass, and this helps to reduce physical contact.

·         Holy Communion will continue to be under one kind and the ministers will continue to sanitise their hands beforehand and wear a face covering whilst distributing.

·         There are no restrictions on numbers of people attending Baptisms or Funerals in church.

·         Parish social activities have now resumed but are subject to appropriate cleaning and risk assessments being in place. Please join us in the hall for Tea, coffee and cake after the 9.00am and 11.00am Mass on Sundays and after 10.00am Mass on Wednesdays. 

X TEMPORARY CHANGES TO MASS TIMES - please take note of the changes for the next two weeks with no morning Mass on Monday, Tuesday or Saturday and Mass on Thursday and Friday is at 10.00am at St Joseph’s church. In addition, there is no Saturday evening Mass on 7th August. These temporary changes are because the church at Our Lady, Help of Christians and St Aloysius is undergoing repair, maintenance and decoration. 

X PLEASE PRAY FOR Pauline Gordon, Alice McClaughlin and Paul Cross, who are unwell at this time. 

X PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS of the relatives and friends of our parishioners who have died recently including Dr Chris Vickery and all those whose anniversaries fall at this time, including amongst them: John Noble, Rosina Alger, Kathleen Brown (2nd August); John Sinclair, May Copping (3rd August); Andreas Savvides, Gary Wilkinson, Gertrude Stone (4th August); Brian McGarrity, Mary Webster, Helen Stevenson, Robert Walsh (5th August); Diane Gunaydin, Elizabeth Newman, Sheila Lawson (6th August); Patricia Miles, Paolo Mazzoni, Walter Walsh, Mary Rigby (7th August); Magdalene Pratt, Donald Commane, Francesca Jefferson, Ernesto Borza (8th August); Yolanda Hughes, Ma Fat Chung (9th August); Mary Spencer (10th August); Richard Kuroczycki, Gladys Williams (11th August); Francis Barrett, Mary Cox (12th August); Lauren Husk, Mary Gordon. Matthew Terry (13th August); Eileen Pendlebury, Suzanne Carney, Hannah Keeler (14th August); Joan Seagrove (15th August). 

X OUR LADY & ST JOSEPH’S 100 CLUB SUMMER DRAW! – Congratulations to Margaret Marlow who won the summer draw with number 50 and the £100 prize. The next draw will be after the 11.00am Mass on Sunday 29th August. Please consider joining this excellent fundraising activity for our parish and application forms for the 2021/2022 year are at the back of each church. New members are very welcome (and you can have as many numbers as you like!). 

X Fr Cyril J Walmsley (1901-71) - on Sunday 8th August at the 11.00am Mass, we remember Fr Cyril Walmsley, who became known as ‘The Bicycle Priest’ around the parish, who arrived in Folkestone as Parish Priest in January 1944 and stayed until his retirement due to ill health in October 1969. Fr Walmsley died on 30th July 1971 and is buried at Hawkinge. In 1977, Fr Walmsley was also remembered by Shepway District Council, now Folkestone and Hythe District Council, when a new sheltered housing development was opened in April 1977 and named after him. Walmsley House, based on Princess Street, is still in existence today.



Presbytery and Parish Office:

41 Guildhall Street, Folkestone, Kent CT20 1EF

Tel: 01303 252823    e-mail:


Parish Secretary: Mr Dylan Jeffrey BA, PGCE, MSc



Parish Priest: Fr Alex Saba MA, MSLR, MCL, JCL


Priest: Fr Francis Capener MA

Deacon: Rev. Dr Gehad Homsey MB, BCh

01303-253601 / 07917 134250


X CHURCH MAKEOVER AT OUR LADY, HELP OF CHRISTIANS AND ST ALOYSIUS – the time has finally arrived for the work to begin in repairing the church and carrying out vital maintenance and redecoration. 

From Monday 2nd August, the workmen will be arriving to begin the work. The work being conducted is vast and includes: 

·       repairing and repainting the crittall windows of the Presbytery, which is also Grade II listed and requires special attention

·       washing the walls of the church down twice to remove nearly 25 years of grime from the old heating system and the burning of in excess of half a million candles in the church over this period.

·         Washing of all the statues in church

·         repairing any damage to the walls with proprietary filler and rubbing down afterwards

·         painting the walls with two coats of Dulux emulsion which will be washable

·         cleaning the timber panels and then applying wax rubbed into the wood

·         redecorating and repairing the sacristy including the damage to the windows and walls

·         installing a shower and bathroom cabinets into the presbytery 

·         refurbishment of the side gate scraping off rust, rubbing it down and applying two coats of metal paint

·         installing new signage for the parish hall at both entrances from Guildhall Street and from Cheriton Road

·         installing new large signage for the church on the Forresters Way side and cleaning up the statues on the side of the church

·         installing new improved LED lighting inside the church

·         installing new solar floodlighting to the exterior of the church along the alley at the side of the church

·         installing a new improved sound system in the church hopefully alleviating the problems of not being able to fully hear readings, psalms, communal prayer or the homily, with new and a greater number of speakers in the church and a new automatic mixing desk which will adjust for softer spoken sounds to create a much better sound. 

When all this work is done, we can then begin focusing on the work needed at St Joseph’s. Thank you to everyone who has generously donated to make this happen. There will be a second collection to support this work on Sunday 8th August. 

You can also donate via cheque payable to “The Parish of Our Lady and St Joseph, Folkestone” and placed an envelope marked ‘Renovation Appeal’ and posted through the Parish Office door at the Presbytery at 41 Guildhall Street on any day or via bank transfer to The Parish of Our Lady and St Joseph Folkestone, Sort Code 52-41-42 and Account Number 08605556 with the reference ‘Renovation’.


Alternatively, you can use our Just Giving page online, a link is on our parish website, which allows for payments to be made by credit and debit card or by PayPal with no fees at



'Show me your hands.
Do they have scars from giving? 
Show me your feet.
Are they wounded in service?  
Show me your Heart.
Have you left a place for divine Love?’

Ven. Fulton J. Sheen



Sunday 15th August

On Sunday 15th August, in addition to Mass at the churches of Our Lady in Folkestone and St Joseph’s in Cheriton, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered at the Vatican by Cardinal Peter Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. An intention has been submitted for all those who have suffered during the pandemic and for the Parish of Our Lady and St Joseph.



Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,

Our life, our sweetness and our hope.

To thee do we cry, poor banished children of

Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs,

mourning and weeping in this vale of

tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate,

thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after

this, our exile, show unto us the blessed

fruit of thy womb, Jesus: O clement,

O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary!

Pray for us O Holy Mother of God,

that we may be made worthy of

the promises of Christ.


X THE POPE'S WORLDWIDE PRAYER NETWORK - in August the Pope asks us to pray for the Intention of evangelization. 

Let us pray for the Church, that She may receive from the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel. 

X REMEMBERING HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI (6TH AND 9TH AUGUST) - at this time we remember the devastation caused in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the atomic bombs were dropped, on 6 and 9 August 1945, and we pray that this can never happen again. 

In his message, ‘A Culture of Care as a Path to Peace’, Pope Francis asks,

‘How many resources are spent on weaponry, especially nuclear weapons, that could be used for more significant priorities such as ensuring the safety of individuals, the promotion of peace and integral human development, the fight against poverty, and the provision of health care’.  Pope Francis calls on us to ‘strive daily, in concrete and practical ways, to form a community composed of brothers and sisters who accept and care for one another’. 

In this country we have an active Catholic peace movement in Pax Christi.  Their website suggests many ways we can all promote peace in our daily lives. There are activities for families to do at home, including a 15-minute peace liturgy for young children. 

X UNION OF CATHOLIC MOTHERS PARISH MEETING (4TH AUGUST) – the Parish’s UCM will be meeting in the Parish Hall at 11.15am on Wednesday 4th August. The UCM is open to all women members in the parish. This will follow the tea/coffee and cake, which will be served after morning Mass and is open to all to attend up until the commencement of the UCM meeting. Come along and try one of Kathleen Lynch’s superb home baked cakes. 

X CHRISTMAS ORDERS – Eileen and Madeleine in the shop have requested orders for any special Christmas gifts and for advance orders for next year’s 2022 Catholic Diary (with Order of Mass), which is available in green, red, blue or black. Please talk to them in the shop about your orders or preferences. 

X HAVING FUN WITH ART FOR PEOPLE AGED 55+ commissioned by Age UK South Kent Coast, Having Fun with Art is an 8-week programme of creative workshops delivered by Strange Cargo. Sessions run weekly on a Tuesday from 3rd August at Marigold Centre, 65 Shaftesbury Avenue, Folkestone CT19 4NS and cost just £5 per week. To book, call 01303 279621 and ask to speak to Jayne.

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